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Community and mental health services for Southampton, Portsmouth and parts of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


“Working in the NHS is a great privilege” – how Chris is giving back after receiving care

At the age of just 48, Chris Bristol suffered a severe stroke.

Chris said: “I was on the way to work when I stepped out of my front door and woke up in Queen Alexandra (QA) Hospital in Portsmouth. The next thing I remember was being in a hospital bed with my clothes being cut off my body. I couldn’t talk, eat, and had lost full use of my left arm.

“I spent two months in hospital where I worked with various NHS professionals to learn how to speak, read and write. After returning home, I spent a further year living with carers who were helping me to live independently again. It was an incredibly hard time for me, and I struggled to remain positive as I didn’t see a future for myself.

“The next few years were spent navigating life after a stroke and adapting back to society. Once I felt I was able to, I attended college and gained a level 3 qualification in health and social care. Prior to my stroke, I worked in a specialist care home and knew I wanted to get back to caring for our local community."

Chris joined Solent NHS Trust in 2023 as a Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW), seven years after suffering the stroke.

He admitted: “I was scared at first to apply for the role in the NHS as I didn’t know if I could get the adaptions, I needed to do my job to its full potential. However, it’s been beautiful working in this environment. There’s no fear in not being listened to or not appreciated, the people I work with treat me like anyone else, it’s very inclusive.”

“Initially I found it difficult to retain some of the information I needed to effectively complete my roles and responsibilities. This was frustrating, and anxiety-inducing, as my speech could be affected which compounded the frustration.

“I attended the support worker induction where things finally started to make sense for me about my role.”

Angela Glassby, Associate Practice Educator, had been supporting staff with their eLearning. Angela was asked by Chris’s ward manager to provide guidance in transitioning Chris back into a work environment.

Angela revealed: “I’m very proud of Chris, he’s worked very hard and meticulously to get to where he is today. It’s been an incredibly inspirational journey, and whilst this has been a learning curve for the both of us, Chris has proven that, with the right support, there is a life after suffering a stroke.”

A number of support services are available for staff members at Solent, including:

  • 7 staff networks
  • Occupational Health
  • Physiotherapy
  • Equality, Diversity and Neurodivergent Advice (EDNA)
  • Learning and development i.e., work hacks, Grammarly and Access Angel

Chris has reflected further, saying: “I’m so grateful for the support I have received from my managers and colleagues since starting at Solent. Conversations about adaptations can be hard, but it shows what is possible after being honest and transparent about your needs. Working in the NHS is a great privilege, and this role has allowed me to give back after the care I received.”  

To learn more about opportunities at Solent, visit our careers page.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

Please visit our services page for specific services and contact details. Alternatively, contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service by emailing or calling the number below. You can also give us feedback, make a complaint or share a compliment.

0800 013 2319

*Lines are open Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm.

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act was passed on 30 November 2000. It gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, with full access granted in January 2005.

The Act sets out exemptions to that right and places certain obligations on public authorities.


Phone: 0300 123 3919

*Subject to any exemptions which apply, we are obliged to provide the information requested please note that requests for Personal Information is not covered under this Act and should be applied for through the Data Protection Act 1998.

Our administrative and managerial centre is based in Southampton.

While our services can be found around various NHS locations in Southampton and Portsmouth (and surrounding districts), our administrative and managerial centre is based in Southampton at:

Highpoint Venue
Bursledon Road
SO19 8BR

If you require a printable version of how to find us including bus times, car access and bike info please download our leaflet. (Copyright of Highpoint Venue).

Central office phone: 0300 123 3390

*Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you are a journalist with a media enquiry, please contact the Communications Team at:

0300 123 4156 or 02381 031076

The Communications Office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.